Did i ever mention how much i LOVE ARIZONA????
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Cooling off....
Did i ever mention how much i LOVE ARIZONA????
Posted by Melissa at 6:48 AM 6 comments
Friday, March 27, 2009
25 random things about me...
1. I love candy, chocolate and anything sweet!!!
2. My favorite holiday is Christmas and Easter (because of all the yummy candy)
3. I love being a mom
4. I enjoy running and may do a 24 hr. relay in May with some girlfriends.
5. I dye my hair from a box, actually it takes 2 and it costs me $10 or less.
6. I really want to have a baby girl one day, like next time i get pregnant.
7. I love change, i get bored staying in one spot too long. And usually when this happens we move or i take a trip!
8. I didn't pick out my boys names, Brett chose both of them.
9. I love getting up early, like 6am early.
10. I would go to bed at 7pm every night if i didn't have kids. I know i'm the youngest Grandma ever.
11. I hate loud noise, yes i'm a true Grandma.
12. I love birthday parties.
13. I was married when i was 19, 2 days before i turned 20.
14. I wish i was brave enough to cut my hair in an a-line bob, like Victoria Beckham or Jenny McCarthy.
15. I want to go to Hawaii, i've never been.
16. I will NEVER buy a pet. I really don't like dogs or cats.
17. I still email and chat with my girlfriends from high school.
18. I will never move out of AZ willingly.
19. I wish we had more money or no school loan to pay off.....
20. I love to go out for lunch.
21. I love to bake. I'm always trying new recipes.
22. I hate to cook, dinner time is the hardest at my house.
23. I have been married for 7 years this April.
24. I have the best husband ever. He makes me laugh daily, even if he leaves his socks all over the house!
25. I am a very picky eater, although i feel like i'm branching out.
Posted by Melissa at 5:40 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
We bought a new home!!!
the paper work is signed the contract is done so if everything else goes as planned then this home will be ours in 30 days. I'm so excited!!!!
Brett and i have had the worst luck at this home buying stuff. Everyone kept telling us that it's a buyers market but every house we put an offer in was out bid or something else went wrong. So i was ready to give up until i revisited this home (it was a home we looked at even before we were actually looking to buy) and with the market being a buyers market, it was finally in our price range. So we signed and dated on about a 100 lines yesterday and hope that all financing and such goes smoothly.
We really feel that this one is the one, even if we have said that a few times now. This just feels right and with how it's worked out it has to be.
More pics to come in about 30 days'ish!!!!
Posted by Melissa at 4:54 AM 9 comments
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Summer already???
Brody: Mom i want to bring my stroller inside it's too sunny...
Mom: Brody that is an outside stroller and it's nice out, so go play...(yes he has a doll stroller)
Brody: No
Which he decided to leave the stroller outside so he could come in. Oh my children obviously can't remember how HOT it gets!
We took the kids hiking the other day with Dustin, Nicole and their crew. We had a blast and the older kids loved running up the mountain together, leaving their parents in their dust.
Posted by Melissa at 5:26 PM 1 comments
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Go HERE and see all these great giveaways, hurry there is only a few left!
Posted by Melissa at 7:20 AM 0 comments
Monday, March 9, 2009
Happy Birthday Babe...
Your still young don't worry. We hope your day is super special, we love you.
Thank you for all you do for your little family.
We celebrated Brett's birthday a few days early and he requested i make lasagna. OK so i have never made it before, yes i'm a bad wife. So i found a recipe that had half Italian sausage and half ground beef (Brett's other request) and it was soooo good. I thought i didn't really like lasagna (the real reason i never tried making it) and i think i'll be making it more often. His dessert request was a pecan pie cheesecake, he came up with this idea as we were walking the other night. So i told him to find me some kind of recipe, well he found it alright. And i'm so glad he did, it was amazing. I'll post the recipe soon along with the brownie carmal cheesecake i made.
1. I love that he is so patient with me and the kids
2.He never complains about anything, NEVER! I do enough for the both of us.
3. He is a hard worker.
4. He ALWAYS recognizes the blessings we recieve instead of the hardship.
5. He loves his family and loves hanging out with them. Especially on the golf course with his brothers!
6. He is smart, whitty and has a sense of humour.
7. He loves to save money.
8. He is a great dad.
9. He is easy going.
10. He is always happy and is fun to be around.
Thank for being the person you are Brett, i love you!
Posted by Melissa at 5:50 AM 1 comments
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Monday, March 2, 2009
I'm having one of those days, you know the kind when you can't control your children and you think yo might scream. Well i haven't screamed (yet) but i might soon. They are just being so naughty and i don't know what is with them. So they are sitting in their rooms until i can clean up all the water that is on my kitchen floor and maybe until Brett gets home, i haven't decided.
This is what happened, i bought them smoothies after our trip to the store (which was crazy) and they were drinking them at the table while i was getting something for Peyton. Well on the table were 2 sippy cups full of water and they decided to smash them into the floor until the lids popped off (are they retarded). And out came the water. So i was taking them upstairs and i carried Brody up while Peyton slowly walked behind. And little Brody yells out when we reach the top " haha Peyton i'm higher than you." Doesn't this kid even care he has to sit in his room? AAAHHHGGGG! Well i better go clean up water, at least it's not the smoothie!
Posted by Melissa at 4:47 PM 5 comments
Tumble Weed Park
This is the best park ever. We love coming down here and playing for hours. There is no sand or rocks it's all mulch so i never hear about stuff getting inside my kids shoes. There is this cute bike path that looks like a road (with speed signs and all) so i usually bring Peyton's bike and some scooters. The kids never want to leave.
Posted by Melissa at 1:20 PM 3 comments
Happy Birthday Grandpa Karren & Peyton (again)
So we were able to celebrate Grandpa Karren's birthday and Peytons again with more cousins. We went to Joes BBQ and let the kids run around outside and then headed back to our house to eat CAKE!!!!
It was fun to get to hang out with everyone, and a good excuse to eat way too much.
Posted by Melissa at 12:55 PM 1 comments