We had Grandpa Sefcik, Aunty Becky, Cassie and Uncle Rob come visit us a couple weeks ago. We had a BLAST, we went swimming at the beach pool, went on morning runs, did some shopping and went to target more than normal people do.
The kids loved having Cassie here, especially Brody! He found someone smaller then him to pick on, but with Cassie all he had to do was look at her or get within a foot of her to make her cry, scream or run away. He found this quite amusing, and so did the rest of us. By the end he was growing quite fond of her and want to just be around her to give her hugs and kisses but because she's a girl sometimes she liked it and sometimes she didn't.
Peyton wanted to hangout with uncle Rob the entire time. If Rob left the room he had a little shadow right behind him. Peyton still asks, almost on a daily basis when we are going to Canada to see Rob. It's so funny.
So now we are all tired and i'm getting anxious to get out of this small house so we can have visitors come more often. We love seeing everyone and my kids think it's the coolest thing to have people sleepover.

Me and my dad

Yes we are in the hot tub in 95 degrees

Cassie was the funniest little fish i had ever seen, she wanted my sister to let her go so she could swim by herself. She loves the water!!!!

I couldn't stop taking pictures of this little girl, she was so cute and funny to be around. We miss you Cassie.

Sorry girls he's taken.....


Getting ready for a run

Brody was all about my neighbor kid's rip stick. He was trying to get on it and everything.

The kiddo's

Feeding the ducks...