Sunday, October 21, 2007


This post is for Brody. He is our 11 month old who is very feisty, cheeky and determined. This kid knows what he wants and has figured out how to get it. Some days i can't believe he is so smart, he is still my baby. I was telling Brett the other day how Brody is doing this and that i don't remember Peyton being like this at this age. Brett quickly responded with " If you had Peyton as a big brother you would figure out very quickly how to get what you want and to defend yourself." This is so true. Peyton is a great BIG brother but he knows how to BUG, TEASE and RUIN the FUN! He wouldn't be a big brother if he didn't.
Brody is getting into EVERYTHING, i find him in the toilet, fridge, pantry, you name it. He especially loves the dish washer though. As soon as i open it i can hear him crawling as fast as he can to climb in.

He likes to drink the left over water from it when it's done running. GROSS!

Just look at his face how could i ever get mad...


LindsayB said...

so i guess this is what i have to look forward to in a few months with james right! cute pictures. you boys are so cute.