These 2 little boys are ALWAYS getting into trouble. I'm constantly wondering where they are or listening for how quiet it is. They LOVE water and are always turning the water hose on outside or sitting in the bathroom sink filling it up or dumping out there cups on my table. What do i do???? How are 2 little boys out smarting me? The only good thing about all this is that they play great together.
this child dumps his drink out all the time.Then proceeds to slurp it up off the table. YUCK!
Peyton and Brody are always trying to join in our morning workouts, they each pick up a band and start BRINGING IT! They both can almost do a full push up thanks to P90X!
Too cute, I love it when they think you cant see them if they cant see you! It just makes me remember why we have them, right?! :)
That's funny! they are so cute!
alli is just your average trouble child, but teamed with james they are TROUBLE! i think you have 2 TROUBLE children and together...AHHHH! But so cute and so fun you just have to love it right!?
they are so sweet! i can't imagine have 2 boys! ammon is a little jealous of brett. he keeps reminding me that we aren't having another girl. :)
You're boys are so cute and crazy I don't know how you discipline them and keep a straight face all at the same time.
Cute one.Love your post.
Work from home
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