We had a great Christmas. We decided to stay in Arizona this year instead of going back up to Canada. It was nice to not think about bundling up every time we went outside, the nights were cold enough here that we had to wear a jacket but during the day was still warm. My mom and brother Rob came down to enjoy the nice weather with us, which made Christmas feel normal. The kids had so much fun with nana and uncle Rob. My favorite quotes of the season came from our little Peyton. The first time he say Rob we was so excited he was following him all over, he was trying to get into the bathroom where Rob was when he said "Rob it's Peyton let me in."The 2nd fav. was the day after they left, it was morning and Brody was screaming when Peyton said " Brody quiet Rob and nana are sleeping." The pictures are kinda messy, i wasn't sure what i was doing...like usual!
We hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and a safe and happy New Year. Love the Karrens
Sunday, December 30, 2007
Happy Holidays!!!
Posted by Melissa at 3:24 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
All About Me...
I was TAGGED to give details about me that you might not already know...so here we go!
1. I love eating, ok you might already know this by the size of my thighs. But my favorite foods are CHOCOLATE, chocolate chip cookies, brownies (are any of these classifying as food???) ok this is a real one, sweet pork salad at a Mexican restaurant here called Costa Vida. You have to try it if you haven't ,it is sooo good.
2. I've tried EVERY diet out there (this is probably because of #1). So if your looking at trying any of them just come talk to me first. I'll let you know which ones work and which ones don't and i probably have the book for you to borrow. My favorite diet is Weight Watchers, i have always done it after my pregnancies and it's helped me get back to my pre-prego weight.
3. I love snow skiing. I started when i was 2 1/2 yrs. old and have been doing ever since. My entire family ski's, some have become traders and started snowboarding (SCOTTY) but we love it. We all ski together for most of the day until us oldies get tired at 3 and have to quite. But it's such a blast my brothers force my sister and i to go on the black diamonds when we would be happy staying on the groomed runs. But it makes us better skiers and lets us make fools of ourselves for everyone to laugh at. This is a time when we all get along and there is minimal arguing. If you ever want some good entertainment just come on a Sefcik family ski trip, this is where most of our memories come from. At least the funny ones that i can remember like when Brent broke his leg on the bunny hill (ok that part isn't funny but the fact that is was on the bunny hill is) but my dad who's a Doctor thought he was lying and didn't take him to the hospital for like 2 days. He should of known because my brother is the crazy one always active running around, so my dad finally knew something was wrong when Brent didn't want to go skiing. oops!
4. I got married when i was 19, it was 2 days before my 20th birthday. Brett likes to joke that he married a teenager. We have decided that we will lie to our kids to the bitter end about how old i was. I can't believe our parents were ok with me being so young, i would die if my 19 yr. old daughter told me she was getting married. So thanks mom for trusting me and seeing how awesome Brett is.
5.I always make my bed. The rest of my room can be messy but if my bed is made i feel like my room is clean.
6. I have the BEST husband. Brett couldn't be more perfect for me. He's witty, funny, honest (but knows when he should lie). His strengths are my weaknesses, like he saves money and i spend it, he likes to talk things out i like to ignore the situation hoping it goes away but over the past 5 1/2 yrs. i've been better at both of those. I'm slowly learning how to keep a budget and i've learned just to talk things out because Brett won't give up and i'll have to do it some time. We are both stubborn, the only difference is he knows when to give in i rarely do. So thanks Brett for being so perfect for me.
Posted by Melissa at 5:58 PM 2 comments
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
So i had this bright idea that i would do the 10k run on thanksgiving day before i ate all the trimmings. It was so hard especially the last 2 miles, it seemed like i was getting slower and everyone else around me was getting FASTER. But i finally finished and under 60mins. (which was my goal) and next year i'll do better!
Posted by Melissa at 5:20 AM 8 comments
Sunday, November 25, 2007
November 18, 2006
Our little Brody is growing up. I remember when we brought him home from the hospital, he was 3 weeks early (due to a little slip on a toy, long story but it was nice to be done being pregnant earlier than expected.)
He has been such a sweet, happy, fun little boy to have around. He has learned quickly how to protect himself against Peyton ,it usually involves screaming but it seems to work. He has a few words these days: mama, dada/daddy, yah yah, nana and sometimes i think he says doggie but that's just from a mom who is proud of her little man.
We love you Brody Carson Karren
Posted by Melissa at 6:27 PM 1 comments
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Thanks Dad...
Peyton had my dad running everywhere with him, if my dad sat down on the couch to watch t.v. Peyton would come turn it off pull my dad off the couch and say "No PaPa, play soccer (or whatever he wanted him to play). So by the end of the 5 days i'm pretty sure my dad was glad to go home and have a break.
Why is that when i ask my dad to do something around the house he gets up and does it right then???? I have been asking Brett to put up a shelf for me for almost 2 months, but i just mention it to my dad and he immediately gets in the van goes to home depot and is back putting up the shelf that has been laying on my floor for 2 months. Thanks Dad, it looks great!
Peyton pretends he is a dog sometimes and this time he wanted to drink his water out of a dish just like Clifford! We all laughed i'm sure my dad thinks my son is weird!
My kids love side walk chalk and will play outside for hours, it was the best $2.99 i've spent in a long time.
Posted by Melissa at 5:06 AM 2 comments