In all her 28 weeks and 5 days!
This little girl is finally growing!
After having a little scare with her measuring small and having a marker for down syndrome she is in the clear. All the tests have come back Negative for Downs and any other tests they could think of to run on me. And she is only measuring a few days behind instead of a few weeks, which you can tell by the size of my belly these days. I'm so grateful to be carrying a healthy baby and can't wait to meet her. I hope she's ready for her crazy brothers to love on her and teach her lots of bad things!!!
you can't tell in this picture but they are all nestled up on the right side of my ribs. They have been there for 2 weeks and yes i'm dying, i hope she decides to move soon.
I feel like i've grown so much in the past few weeks and this picture just proves it. (don't mind the stupid face i'm making, i didn't know if i should smile or not)
The crazies...
These 2 could wrestle all day long, I'm so glad they get along 95% of the time. It's made this pregnancy a little easier.