NO i am not pregnant!!!
But it seems like everyone around me is or has just had a baby. I'm kinda feeling out of the loop on this but i don't think our time has come to dive into baby #3. I really want another one or two but i'm not sure if i can handle being out numbered. And there is always that 50/50 chance it's going to be another boy....!
NO i am not pregnant!!!
But it seems like everyone around me is or has just had a baby. I'm kinda feeling out of the loop on this but i don't think our time has come to dive into baby #3. I really want another one or two but i'm not sure if i can handle being out numbered. And there is always that 50/50 chance it's going to be another boy....!
If you have 3 or more kiddos tell me the pros and cons. Not that i need convincing but it's always good to know the other side before you make the leap.

I was so thinking the same thing yesterday. We went to the zoo and I swear I saw 20 pregnant ladies. Iwas also thinking I am not read for a 3rd either. :)
PS- It was great running into you last night.
I say do it! Three's a charm, or 3 strikes your out, you take your pick...he...he..he... Yes, everyone is pregnant especially in this ward, something to get used to. When I first moved in I thought I wanted a baby but I was surrounded by pregnant women and newborns, now I've gotten used to it and still want a baby, but sadly Dan isn't ready. If you're both ready go for it!!!
Going from 2 kids to 3 was WAY easier for me then from going from 1 to 2. No joke! The 3rd for me was by far the easiest, maybe because i was a little more relaxed..
Yer so funny! I don't think you can go by anyone elses pros and cons. I think one persons PRO is another's CON, so it's all about what your situation is and if you really want another baby or if you want a girl. You have to ask yourself that. If you want a girl, would you be super sad if it's a boy?? We're having our 2nd boy in March,s o I'll be the same as you, outnumbered!!
So here is your take on 4! I am totally out numbered but I love it. My hardest was #3 (meaning my boy) and he still is. The biggest con for me is I stay home a lot more, meaning grocery shopping in the evening etc. Normally I go out a lot. I hope that it will get better when my baby gets older.
Three was really hard for me for a while, but your won't be only 16 months apart like mine are :P
I am really glad I had three though. I can't imagine life without Levi and I know that two was not enough for our family. I am debating on having #4, but I am not feeling the urge yet at all. Hoping I will someday!
Im still scared and I am over half way to 3. It took me forever to take the leap and I am still not sure if I can handle being out numbered
I hear ya Missy, pressure pressure pressure. I say to heck with conventional spacing. I say wait as long as you want. Or that's what I keep telling myself anyway hehe.
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