I took the kids to target and found these bath towels on sale for $5 so Peyton picked 2 out for him and Brody. He insisted that he be the yellow duck...whatever!

Brody and Peyton really do love each other....

The scary lion.

My boys hanging out watching football, it was really cute to watch them cheering. Peyton gets so excited when he sees a football game on t.v.

say "CHEESE!"

This kid gets into everything.
They are so cute- good pix! Hey thanks for the cookies they were DELISH! we want more! You have a darling fam..
Fun - a new camera! Your boys are seriously so darn cute! I look forward to seeing their cute faces at church. I'm sad we won't be in the same ward anymore. It's fun to catch up in the foyers:) Cute pictures!
So I snooped and found your blog :) So cute. And I was wondering if you are doing London's Run. I'll be there doing the 10k so if you aren't already signed up, you should do it with me! It's a good one.
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