Can you guess which one is supposed to be in time out by himself??? Brody always follows Peyton to the time out spot and sits down right next to him. Peyton likes the company and often calls Brody over. I'm not sure if this is supposed to count???

Brody decided to hop back into the bath after he was already for bed.

So these 2 little boys of mine love to hide out in the pantry and sneak treats

i hope they don't become closet eaters!

The same night they got into cereal and into the cookies....


They are growing up so fast

Brody is growing up right before our eyes! I can't believe that he is turning into a little man and isn't my baby anymore.

I went to the play Hairspray with Ellie and Tom Burnett. So i had Brett take a picture because i never get ready during the week and it was kinda nice to take some time a do my hair and makeup.