Peyton has finished Kindergarten!
I can't believe how much he has matured and grown this year. He is such a good kid.
Peyton has learned so much from kindergarten he has taught all of us new things. He loves math and reading, and he is really good at both. But Computers and PE are his favorite specials.

Peyton we love you!

Mrs. Cooper was his kindergarten teacher

Boys being Boys

I left Brett with the kids one night and came home to him and Kami passed out on the couch.

Kami and Brody. He is learning to be really gentle with her. He loves to play with her and find her new toys.

She is a busy girl she is crawling every where, walking along furniture and loves to hold your hands and walk around. Yes she is only 7 months.
She has stared eating some solids and is loving everything. Except maybe peas.