We have been super busy this summer and it has gone by so fast. I can't believe the kids go back to school next week. Here is our summer in pictures....
We took the boys to California and left Kami with my mom for the weekend. We went to Lego land for 2 days and the beach, It was so much fun. The boys loved having our attention!!!

Playing Lego star wars in the hotel room

Ice Cream

The boys made their own sand chairs

Fun in the Ocean


The Hooper, Kirkham and Karren Kids
Brett and Peyton mapping out our day at Legoland
Heidi (and Halle), Shari and I



All the participants in the fire drill race, which my team won. Thanks Cayce, Peyton, and Brody for all your help

Lego car

Star Wars

It was amazing to see all the star wars stuff made out of Lego.

Me and Chewy

Brody and R2D2

Peyton and Darth

Peyton and Darth again

Our little Family minus Kami

Peyton being eaten by a Shark
Pool Time

We have spent countless hours in our pool this summer, i love having it right in our own backyard. My mom loved it too.

Me and Kami. Her hair finally fits into a little pony in the top of her head.

Love this baby. She laughs and smiles all the time.
My trip to Utah.
Kami and i went up to Utah for a weekend to go to my cousin Greg's wedding. It was so much fun seeing all my cousins and hanging out like time had never past.

The girls

The beautiful bride and groom.

Grandma Sefcik and I. Kami wouldn't stop sucking on my necklace

Me and Jen. Love this girl

Me, Dad and Kami -Thanks dad for the trip to Utah it was so fun!
Grandma and Grandpa Karren came to babysit while Brett and i went to California with my family. The boys love swimming with them everyday.

Thanks for helping us out G&G Karren!