October 18th
7 lbs. 4oz, 19 inches
7 lbs. 4oz, 19 inches

Kami was supposed to be born on Oct. 11th but the hospital switched her c-section date to the 18th (which was a week of torture for me) But now all my kids have their birthdays on the 18th of their months. Now we will have to do extra careful planning on any future children so they too will have 18th b-days.
More pictures to come, my computer is being weird and not letting me upload all the pics onto blogger. Hopefully this problem gets resolved because i have some really cute pictures to share.
Congrats she is a doll and you look way too good for just having s baby!
Missy! She is so adorable :) congratulations, looking forward to seeing more pictures!
Congrats! She's so cute. You will have so much fun dressing her up!
Melissa! Congrats, she's adorable, and I'm glad she's a good baby!
congrats to you and your cute little family! hope everything is going well with 3! have so much fun playing with that girl. she is just perfect, and yes, more pictures better come!
I love that Brett is in the hospital bed for the family picture! Ha!! She's so cute, congrats!
more pics please she is such a doll I am so excited to see all of your girl stuff! Congrats
congrats, she is so precious. my girl only slept and ate too, it was so wonderful. that is pretty cool that your kids share the 18th. me and my two kids birthdays fall on the same day of the week each year. i think it would be so cool if this baby in me was born on saturday this year so he could join that trend. we'll see...
she's gorgeous!! congrats! i honestly can't believe how amazing you look already! you're impressive melissa!
Congratulations! So cute... you forget so fast how little they start out (and our little guy is only 3 months). It looks like we share some names- we named our little guy Brody and our 4 year old is Brittan. Great names!! Congratulations and enjoy every moment!
Love the Workmans
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