2009 Christmas Happenings....
Our annual Ginger Bread house, which the kids actually ate most of the candy off of this year! Gross!

Christmas morning...

The boys each got a strider bike and a razor scooter along with many more gifts!

Peyton loves his leapfrog reading pen

Brody can't get enough of the Batman cave

Peyton asked for a teddy bear for Christmas because when it was teddy bear day at school and he showed up with his stuffed frog he was the only one with out a teddy bear. He came home really upset....and if you know me i don't like a lot of stuffed animals around so i gave in and got Peyton a bear....which by the way make 3 stuffed animals in our house!

We took the kids to see Santa....and they talked his ear off asking for everything they have seen on commercials. Which they didn't get any of.
And the after Christmas i convinced my mom, sister and 2 little nieces to come down for a few days.

Caymbree - i love this smile.

These 3 were quite the trouble makers!!!

We went to the movies...not the chipmunks but "Princess and the Frog" which was darling.

The kids just sat there and didn't move!

Grandma and the kiddos

Snuggles from Grandma

Cassie Grace

Driving the fire truck...

This little kid can go so fast on his scooter....

I love this chicky

Becky and Caymbree

I love these 3 kids they are so funny together

Watching the hot air balloons...

Playing in the wood chips, better than sand.

Taking a spin

You look so great!
I have to tell you that I read your status the other night about Peyton's prayer, right when I read it Joel was on the phone with Josh and Jenny and I made him put them on speaker so I could read it to them. We were all rolling.
I love love love Brett's socks in your last picture... now that's a true dentist... ha!
I totally didn't even notice his socks...too funny. I guess i'm just used to his quirky style.
Looks like things are good and Christmas was great!!!! (i hate stuffies too but we keep getting them as gifts from other people!)
Ok Cassie is a little mini Becky, all the kids are darling and you my dear...all I can say is that I am going to the gym right now (no seriously I am) you are my inspiration girl. You look awesome
cute xmas pictures. . . just in time for valentines day. . . just kidding! I got my shoes at Ross, and thanks for stopping by!
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