April has been a busy month for us. I'll let the pictures explain.
The boys wrestling with Grandpa Karren
Kami girl
The 3 kids (that is still weird to say)
I love this picture of Kami, she is getting so big.
We had a few Easter egg hunts with friends and the kids loved them. Who wouldn't love finding candy in eggs.
Easter Morning
The boys had to find their Easter baskets before they could hunt for all the eggs. Peyton fpund them behind the cutains, that silly Easter bunny!
Kami love taking the boys eggs out of their baskets
All ready for church, notice Peyton picking his nose!
We never get family pics but i made Brett sit down and smile for 2 mins.
Mesa Easter Pageant
If you ever come to Arizona over Easter you need to go to the Easter Pageant at the Temple, it's amazing.
And then my mom had to go...sad day!